How to Apply for a Job When an Employer Uses a CV Screening Technique

How to Apply for a Job When an Employer Uses a CV Screening Technique

Traditionally, when you apply for a job and create your resume, you assume that human eyes will read it. After reading it, the recruiter or hiring manager will determine whether to move on to the following step.

This was not always the case, though, in the year 2020. . The upcoming future employer does not consider your job application, Resume examination technique he is.

How does the technology for exam resumes operate?

Organizations with a large employee base will use recruitment technology to help manage their heavy workload. The company receives 250 applications for each job opening, which makes it time-consuming and difficult to personally review each job.

By analyzing each application and comparing it to the job opening, it automates the screening of CVs. This varies on a number of variables, including qualifications, experience, and past work titles. As a result, the recruiter’s responsibility is to evaluate and rate the results in order to contribute to the selection of who will advance.

why it’s used by employers

time saver – The full CV or resume is reviewed by automation in 0.6 seconds.

Exhibition Technology ignores candidate characteristics that are thought to be biased.

What ought to be done.

Specify keywords.

Your resume should be polished and contain pertinent keywords connected to the position’s criteria. Examine the advertisement carefully to discover what they are requesting. Make sure you have the precise terms mentioned in your experience section if they ask for PPC and AdWords experience.

It seems easy, doesn’t it? Because it is, this is. Automated scanning software is developed to find particular words, and it will give your resume a high ranking. Be careful not to concentrate entirely on this area and produce a resume that is overly keyword-heavy. The recruiter won’t be impacted by this ploy until your resume has been read by a human eye instead of a machine.

Key dates and job titles.

You must give a job title that corresponds to the position you are applying for. It’s acceptable to change this for your resume if your former position was a good fit and the title solely applied to the company you were working for.

You may alter “Performance Professional Marketer” to “SEO and PPC Marketing Manager,” for instance. Due to its four keywords, the second choice has a better chance of ranking higher.

Where applicable, always remember to give the start date and termination date (month and year) for previous roles. This makes it easier for the screening method to gauge the breadth of your experience.

Back to the job posting.

When revising your resume, print the job description and preserve it for reference. You can use it as a reminder of the knowledge and experience you must include. The hiring manager will probably use the screening method to compare the keywords in your application with those specified in the ad. So remember to advertise.

Don’t be terrified of technology, to sum up.

The purpose of recruiting technology is to help and support recruitment teams. They simplify routine hiring activities and lighten the effort by facilitating them. By doing this, it gives the recruiter back time that can be used to invest in the prospect through mentoring, communication, and understanding, all of which contribute to making more intelligent hiring decisions in general.

What do you think about screening technologies being used again? Tell us in the comments section below.

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