10 Simple and Quick Ways to Make Money Blogging

10 Simple and Quick Ways to Make Money Blogging

Blogging is a pretty easy way to make money. After reading the tips in this article, you should be able to do it too! When your website is ready, all you have to do is write articles and click publish. Fortunately, that’s as easy as it sounds!

But besides writing articles you also want to earn money. We have listed the following tips for you.

Tip #1: Choose a good affiliate program

The easiest way to make money blogging is through an affiliate program .

If you are an affiliate, you promote a product and as soon as this product is sold through your unique link, you receive a commission for it. The system will always recognize when the sale came through you, this is a certainty. You can read exactly how affiliate marketing works in this article.

It is important that you promote a product with which you can earn a lot, this is a product that has a high commission and whose conversion is high.

I have written an article for you in which I explain in detail what to look for when choosing an affiliate program to promote.

Tip #2: Start blogging

A blog without text is of course not a blog. Here are some tips to help you get started blogging and ultimately make money faster and easier.

In any case, make sure you’ve come up with the right topic for your blog. You can look at a topic that interests you. If you are not inspired, take a look at ‘Tip #1: Choose a good affiliate program’ to see which products can earn you a lot of money. Maybe you can blog about that.

It would be best to find a combination . So a subject that you know a lot about and can earn a lot from. However, it does not matter if you know little about the product, because in the course of time you become an expert.

How to write a good blog post:

  • Write blogs of at least 500 words , which is necessary if you want to score well in search engines
  • Provide catchy and enough subheadings so that your readers can quickly scan the article and quickly get to the information they want to read
  • It sounds like a clich, but be valuable ! You can write a blog post, but if it doesn’t help anyone, it’s a waste of your time. Some people think it’s enough to write a simple message every now and then, but it isn’t. Take your time!
  • Make sure you have a good, clear layout
  • Make use of media : put enough images, video and maybe audio in your blog post
  • Seek interaction with your audience. For example, ask them a question and let them respond to your blog post
  • Only cover one topic per blog post
  • Come up with a strong, catchy title
  • Use bullet points and lists, that makes your blog post clear
  • In your blog post, give solutions to problems that many people experience

And Perhaps most importantly, make sure your blog post is search engine friendly ! Here are some tips to ensure that:

  • Determine with which keyword / which keywords you want to be found in Google
  • Do not copy text from other websites
  • Make use of the meta – tags (title, description and alt tags)
  • Choose a good, short and clear URL for the blog post
  • Use the keyword in the text regularly, but not too often
  • Write valuable content (Google can also see if your text is informative)
  • Also try to link to other articles on your website (linking internally)
  • Make important words bold
  • Share your blog post on as many social media channels as possible (ensures interaction)

Tip #3: Don’t give up quickly

In the beginning you will get few visitors by blogging. The better the quality of your articles and the longer you put relevant content on a website, the more the search engines will trust you with the topic. This ensures that you are found for relevant words earlier in the search engines and that more visitors come to your site.

Tip #4: Have a good website

Once you have chosen a topic and name for your blog, the next step is to choose a system (also known as CMS) that you will use to create the website. That is the system with which you will manage your blog. The most famous and best blogging platform is WordPress . You’ve probably heard of it.

Creating a new blog post with WordPress is almost as easy as sending an email. If you have no experience with it, we can assure you that you will learn it very quickly. For example, watch a tutorial on YouTube. It’s really easy!

WordPress is open source. That means it’s free and there are a lot of (free and paid) themes/layouts and plugins to download. Plugins are ready-made extra functionalities that you can add to your blog. For example, you can think of a contact form, calendar or newsletter system. This allows you to set up your blog with WordPress completely according to your own wishes, without having to hire a designer or programmer.

What your website must in any case meet

  • Responsive : your blog should function well on both laptop and mobile (because remember that most people search for information on their mobile these days)
  • Contact page : Enable users and readers to get in touch with you. The chance is therefore greater that they trust you (and therefore your product) sooner
  • Choose smooth and legible punctuation marks
  • Get a good Error 404 page. That’s the page where visitors end up when they click on a dead link
  • Provide a quiet background , so that visitors can easily read your texts
  • What should in any case function perfectly is your menu : make sure it works at all times and is clear

Tip #5: Advertorials

Advertorials are also a great way to monetize your blog. Advertorials look like regular posts, but you actually write them on behalf of a company or agency. You sometimes see them in magazines. They then look a lot like an ordinary article, but you can recognize them by the small print ‘Advertorial’.

An advertorial is very interesting for many parties. Companies are given an entire blog post to draw attention to their own brand, company, product or service. It is nice to indicate to your visitors that your article contains sponsored content and therefore did not originate from your digital pen. It is important, however, to exercise restraint in naming the advertorial as such.

Tip #6: Google Adsense

One of the easiest ways to make money blogging is Google Adsense . With this you give Google permission to place advertisements on your website.

Even if your blog is only an hour old, you can already set up Google ads! Of course you won’t earn much if you don’t have visitors, but you can place them right away.

You can choose whether you want only text or images in your ads, or both. You can also choose different formats. In addition, you can also give the advertisements a look that fits well with your blog. For example, if your blog has a red background, it won’t be as nice if the ads are white.

Google also has a special heat map . This will show you the best places on your blog to place the ads. Very useful, because the color shows where an ad will yield the most results. The darker the color, the more favorable.

And if that wasn’t enough, Google also sends you emails with recommendations for improvement.

Tip #7: Giveaways

This is also a fun and easy way to earn money. You ask a company if they want to donate a product (of small value) so that you can do a giveaway .

You can often even ask money for it: you can write a nice article about the product. That is promotion for the company sponsoring the product.

By turning it into a giveaway and sharing it a lot on social media, you can be sure that there will be a lot of interaction and many people will participate in the giveaway. So it has several advantages!

Tip #8: Create your own content

If you have experience with something yourself (or are gaining experience with it), you can choose to create your own content and sell it. Think of a video course or an ebook. Offer this content for download at a small price.

Your own webshop , where you sell products, is also a way to earn money from your blog. Of course, this means that you have to link payment options to your website and that can be difficult for a while.

Tip #9: Approach PR agencies

Many bloggers who monetize their blog work with PR agencies . Those PR agencies also like to work with bloggers, because it is a nice and cheap way for them to quickly get a lot of exposure for a product.

If you would like to have something from a certain brand to promote, Google the brand + PR agency. You can usually find contact details quickly.

And then you’re just cheeky. ‘I am such and such, this is my blog, this is my target group, these are my numbers. Would you mind putting me on the press list? Or let us know if a collaboration is possible? Or even: can I receive this or that product in exchange for a mention on my website?’

Many PR agencies regularly have events where providers of different brands come together. A PR agency that works with children’s clothing labels often has launches of the new collections. If you are invited, cheerfully visit all the brands you like, have a chat and leave your business card.

Tip #10: Become an influencer

Are you not yet ready to hit the road for your blog or are you not invited? Then there are also other ways to come up with something. As an ‘influencer’ (a trendy term for blogger) you can register on various websites. This is where product providers and bloggers come into contact with each other.

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