10 Companies That Are Profitable Day After Day

10 Companies That Are Profitable Day After Day

Businesses That Make Money Every Day – Have capital but are still confused about what business to open? This review is about the idea of ​​a business opportunity that earns money every day.

In this increasingly advanced era, you definitely have to look for opportunities to start a business that earns money every day.

In addition, when all the developments that humans have achieved so far have increasingly added to the wide business opportunities open to anyone.

In this article, we will review one by one the power of businesses that are in demand every day. You can choose from several businesses that are never quiet and get optimal benefits.

What are the Businesses That Make Money Every Day?

To answer the question above, there are ten ideas that friends can recommend if you want to make money per day. We have compiled the following points from many available sources:

1. Part-Time Employment

The first way to earn money every day is to work part-time. Part-time work is typically performed by students or people who have not had the opportunity to work full-time. It doesn’t matter, though, because you can still earn money ranging from IDR 100,000 to IDR 200,000 per day.

For example, being a barista, merchant, restaurant server, or business marketing agent.

You can also work part-time or full-time in two companies at the same time. However, remember to control your time so that you can finish the assignment.

Part-time work can help you broaden your network. Each of your assignments is always worth the experience.

2. Work as a Content Writer

The second business that pays well each day is becoming a content writer, often known as a content writer. Being a content writer is a method for you to earn $200,000 every day if you enjoy writing.

You can write articles or captions for social media. Depending on the arrangement with the client, the payment process can be daily, weekly, or monthly.

This money-making phase necessitates the use of persuasive language, knowledge of PUEBI, and knowledge of the topics you are requested to write down.

3. Online Entrepreneurship

You can establish an online business to make a lot of money. Now, digital business is something on which many people rely.

Its broad reach makes digital business concepts worthwhile to pursue. In an internet business, you can sell anything, including food, clothing, skincare, and multivitamins, among other things.

Those looking for a firm that produces money per day can focus on how many things are sold every day. You will immediately get the benefits.

4. Street Business

A street business is one that makes money every day and is worthwhile to try. As a result, street vendors have flexible hours and a high daily income.

The typical daily earnings range from IDR 200 thousand to IDR 500 thousand. There is also evidence that street vendor earnings can exceed the minimum wage of a district or city.

Merchandise that you can sell should be available on a daily basis. For example, selling trendy beverages with numerous flavors for IDR 20,000 for each glass.

To select the ideal place, do a survey and secure permission to establish a small-scale business in that location.

5. Credit Sale

Selling credit is a profitable daily business that is ideal for you. This business is appropriate as a sideline or for those who want to study business.

Working with a major agent who provides credit at a lower price is necessary for businesses offering credit. The pulses can then be sold at market prices.

Selling pulses is still a profitable company since mobile phone users have a continuing need for pulses.

6. Laundry service

The laundry service industry is also profitable on a daily basis. To start this profitable business, you’ll need a strategic location, such as a school, office, or residential area. You may select one of them.

Those who don’t have time to clean their own garments owing to their everyday duties use the laundry service.

The amount of people who use your services determines the success of your firm. You can make a lot of money in a single day.

However, first and foremost, you must give high-quality cleaning services. You must preserve the quality of the garments given to you and ensure that they are not changed with someone else’s clothes.

7. Sewing Company

For those of you who are skilled at making clothes, there is nothing wrong with starting a sewing business as a side hustle.

Accept orders for sewing clothing at a price of several hundred thousand dollars. You may even start a service that shrinks or enlarges clothes based on the requests of devoted consumers.

Residents who need their clothes fixed by experts to fit properly are still looking for this firm.

8. Guide to Online Tutorials

Those of you with expertise in specific areas or types of classes can set up online teaching businesses.

One of the day-to-day businesses that can be carried out remotely. You can change the cost per hour. Subject to the client’s approval.

Online educators are now required not only by schoolchildren but also by individuals who already have assignments and are searching for time to study in order to improve their performance at work.

9. Gymnastics Coach

Indonesians understand the benefits of exercise for health. Gymnastics is popular among them since it is simple to learn.

Gymnastics is not only for parents, pregnant ladies, and those who are still relatively young. They most definitely require a gymnastics trainer. You are that trainer.

You can conduct day-to-day business in the health club, a sports community, and other areas close to sporting events.

Aside from providing rewards, this form of job can help your body stay healthy.

10. Vehicle Rental Company

Another interesting business that produces money every day. Those of you who have your own vehicles can complete this step.

You can earn enough money for the month with a minimum rent of IDR 200,000 each day. You can work from home with this company.

To secure a chartered vehicle, you must install a particular gadget that allows you to track the vehicle’s whereabouts more easily.


As long as it is carried out attentively, a firm that makes money every day is a good profit for you. Some of them can also be established with no money. The choice is yours, so make one based on your abilities.

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