
The contents of the articles and pages of this Site are written by the author Jeff Nah or by external contributors, also through interviews and guest posts.

For each article posted, the category and any “tags” classified by the author are indicated.

The author of the articles undertakes to update or rewrite the contents of the posts if he believes that these can be improved. The author reserves the right, at his own discretion, to remove posts deemed old, obsolete or unusable.

Despite the aforementioned commitments on the part of the author, the complete updating of all contents and information published on the site is not guaranteed.

The advice, opinions and reviews in the articles on the Site are the result of personal thoughts, experiences and researches in the field of job search, communication, management, entrepreneurship and other related issues by the author and / or any other contributors and are exclusively informative and up-to-date. The correctness, completeness, accuracy and precision of the information published on each page and section of the site and for any reason is not guaranteed.

Although the author undertakes to publish posts and contents of interest and usefulness to the users of the blog, in relation to the areas mentioned above, the aforementioned contents do not replace or exclude advice and opinions from experts and professionals in job search, human resources, management consulting and other related professions.

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This Site provides the author with a monetary remuneration through the publication of advertisements, sponsored content and the promotion of specific products and services. For transparency, the types of promotional initiatives on the Site are described and reported below.

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On this blog it is possible to publish advertising banners distinct from the other contents of the blog. Some advertising systems used are based on the interests of users: in this way, anyone who views a page will receive a cookie that will aggregate the browser’s favorite content.

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Unless otherwise specified, any other opinion on products and / or companies present on the posts of this blog is declined on a purely personal basis, and takes place in the form of a non-commercial opinion, without any remuneration and without collaboration agreements with the company. Interviews, sponsored posts and posts with sponsored content are published on the Site only if deemed suitable for the editorial line of the blog by the Author.

On this site, in fact, press releases or “prepackaged” articles relating to topics, products or services deemed NOT suitable, interesting or useful for the readers of the blog are NOT published, based on the author’s discretionary evaluation.

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This Site has affiliation partnerships with other sites and companies, therefore it is possible that the same Site will receive a share of the proceeds on any purchases made through the links provided within the Site.

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In the presence of so-called “affiliation” links, as an affiliate the owner of the link may receive a fee based on the activities carried out by the user through the same link (eg subscriptions, registrations, purchases, etc.).