Setting goals: accomplishing them and making dreams come true

Setting goals: accomplishing them and making dreams come true

As a Hustler you naturally want to get the most out of your business and experience as much success as possible. You want success on all fronts, with your business but also on a personal level.

You have a killer morning every morning and you can break your bad habits . This makes you more energetic, more productive and you get more out of your day. Now it’s time for the next step in self improvement . Goal setting!

What is goal setting?

Everyone has things they want to achieve in life. That big dream. It’s still on your list, but a lack of time and focus means we don’t get around to it. Often people find it difficult to set goals for themselves.

Every day you hear people about the things they ‘should’ and ‘want’ to do. We often take too little time for goal setting. We don’t set goals. That’s why we only do the things we ‘should’ do. Common excuses for people not living their dreams are:

  • I don’t have time to work on my dreams
  • I am too busy
  • I don’t know what I want
  • I don’t know how to work on my dreams

What is your main goal right now? Do you want to eat healthier? More sports? Spend less time on social media? Starting your own business?

How come we want to achieve certain goals but don’t DO it? And how are we going to make sure this works? Do you know someone who suffers from this? Do you recognize it in yourself? Probably. I’ve never met anyone who didn’t run into at least one of these questions.

In order to achieve the things you want to achieve in life and to be successful, you have to set goals. This will bring you success on both a business and personal level. Goal setting is literally making your goals concrete and making sure you achieve them!

‘The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.’ ‘ Bill Copeland

Goal setting methods

With goal setting it is important to use a good method for setting your goals. If you don’t do this, you often get vague goals, so you don’t know where to go. Or you get goals that are too big, they stop you from moving.

This keeps you waiting, doubting and worrying without moving forward. This can be done in several ways. A well-known method for setting goals is the SMART method.


  • Specifically
  • Measurable
  • Acceptable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

The SMART method is perhaps the most well-known and used method. But is this the best method? During his studies, online entrepreneur, mindset coach and founder of the largest self improvement community in the Netherlands: the 1 minute community Leroy Seijdel developed the VUDOM method.

A new method of goal setting. Using this method, he was voted the best student, made his dream trip, ran his first marathon and built the 1 minute community from 0 to thousands of members in just nine months.

VUDOM method

The VUDOM method consists of five steps.

Step 1: Visualize

Setting goals starts with visualizing! This is often seen as vague, but is actually the clearest step! You are going to make specific what you want. Visualizing translates your dreams and thoughts into an image. You can do this in your head but also with the help of image materials. It is important with visualization that you keep your desired result in mind and see it in front of you as a reality.

Think about what you feel, what you think, how you feel. Make it as real as possible in your mind. Try to involve all your senses to make it as realistic as possible. If you find this difficult, you can use ‘Vision boards’ or ‘mood boards’, a collection of images of the result you want to achieve.

Step 2: Speak

Speak your dreams! When you speak your dreams you will start to believe in them. Tell your friends, your family and yourself. This may be tricky at first, but it works. There is a big difference between dreaming and doing. Pronouncing itself is not enough. It’s also about how you pronounce it. Are you saying ‘I would like to travel the world someday’ or are you saying ‘I am going on a world trip’? Are you saying I would like to have a successful business of my own’ or ‘I’m going to have a successful business’? In the first way, there is a good chance that you will never do it. You lack conviction! If you are not convinced of your dreams, you will not succeed. So speak your dreams and do so with conviction!

Step 3: Deadlines

Make sure you have deadlines. Not only for when something is finished, but also for how long you can or must do something. This takes away the “I don’t have time” excuse.

Important is first to rank your goals according to priority, what is most important to you. After that, you have to break your goals down into small tasks. Then you set as many deadlines as possible. It is better to set short deadlines of a week each time than a few months. You can achieve your goals step by step.

Step 4: Write it down

Write your goal in one sentence. Make your goal specific. Suppose your goal is ‘I want a successful business’. What exactly does this mean? Nothing at all! It’s not specific. The easiest way to specify your goals is to ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I want to do?
  • Do I want to do it alone?
  • When do I want to do it?
  • How much do I want to invest?
  • Why do I want to do this?
  • What does successful mean to me?

Questions you could ask after this to create more clarity are:

  • What is my plan to achieve this?
  • What are the consequences if I go for it?

After you have asked these questions, your goal could be, for example: ‘In the second quarter of 2021 I want to have a webshop in sports supplements with which I turn 4000 euros per month’ .

These questions will help you keep your goals realistic. Then you can divide your goals into smaller sub-goals and work towards your dream!

Step 5: Minutes

Work on your goal for at least 1 minute every day! It sounds like little but when you apply this you are working on your goal every day. You always have 1 minute to work on your goal. There are no more excuses!

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