The Key to Multilevel Marketing Success

The Key to Multilevel Marketing Success

People are always asking themselves and asking me, as well as their uplines what is the big secret of success in MLM .

What is the secret formula used by this or that brilliant distributor who arrived in Diamond.

I’m sure most of them get frustrated when they get answers like “the key is to study more”, “the formula is personal development”, “attend more seminars”, “read more books”, “watch those movies” , want to learn, etc., etc., etc.

All these answers are nothing more, nothing less than the plain truth, but in isolation they have no effect. Telling people they have to learn doesn’t make them move you have to tell them why to learn. Nobody spends six years studying medicine because they simply want to learn about medicine, but because they want to be a doctor.

The first NASA scientists didn’t spend decades studying aerodynamics, explosive combustion, resistance to friction with air simply out of the desire to retain such knowledge.

They devoted so much time and effort to studying these things because they wanted to get to the moon. They dreamed of getting there. Rare are the cases of people desiring to know by knowing who do not suffer from some psychological imbalance, such as egocentricity or arrogance, for example.

I believe that the quest to learn must be preceded by the desire to accomplish something and network marketing is a model that can create this opportunity.

why develop personally

And, in advance, all that I said is the basis of the great secret of success in multilevel marketing . If your uplines or mentors in MLM tell you that you need to learn, that you need to study, that you need to develop, although perhaps without even knowing why they advise you in this way, they do so because they empirically have in mind that the big secret of success in Multilevel Marketing is to understand it.

This makes a lot of sense! Multilevel is an unconventional business modality, which causes many people to fail precisely because they do not understand.

It is so different from traditional businesses that even among those who have already reached the dream of success, there are those who still misunderstand it.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had the opportunity to see a great leader speaking in their seminars something like oh if I could just open your little head and put everything in there.

This sentence reflects exactly what I mean: only when you assimilate what MLM is, when you have a real understanding of it, of its power, will you be able to succeed. Anyone who uses a phrase like that does so precisely because they remember that they went through this process.

The successful man in this industry knows that there was a watershed in his trajectory, a magical moment and that was the moment when he understood Multilevel Marketing clearly.

As my friend Celso Amarantes would say, it was the moment when he saw the hare. And that’s just it: only when you see the hare, you know why you’re running after it.

Remember what I said about learning? So, whoever studies for studying, stops for an hour. Only those who know where they will end up and what use they will give to everything they have learned, study willingly.

As in the story of the hare, fat and succulent, which, as it passed, was seen by a dog that began to chase it madly. He ran like a madman, unblinking, and began to attract a crowd of other dogs with his noise. In a few minutes dozens of dogs chased each other with all their energy.

However, the minutes went by, fatigue started to come and one by one the dogs gave up. Soon, only one dog was still chasing the succulent hare and who was he?

Of course he was the first, the only one who saw her. The others were running after a story they had heard.

Study MLM, spot your hare and chase your success

When people ask me what is the big secret of success in Multilevel Marketing, I usually say that among them is the search for training.

And that’s how MLM is: only those who can understand it, only those who see the hare of this great opportunity, will give it time, will overcome fatigue, will survive the no’s with panache.

When someone tells you “study”, it’s because that person knows that only after acquiring knowledge of the facts will you be able to overcome all challenges, overcome all debauchery, argue with those who haven’t studied and, finally, wait for the necessary time that any business needs.

Only those who really learn about what it means to be an entrepreneur at the multilevel are able to hope for success in this business, which is ahead, as in any other venture, and not two days after an enthusiastic and euphoric opportunity meeting.

Whoever stops in the excitement of the meetings, whoever doesn’t lean over his books when he’s alone with himself, will be eternally dependent on the energy of others.

Only with your own understanding will you know that you will have sunny days and cloudy days in your path and yet you will remain unyielding in your walk. The discovery of this great deal messes with people’s minds.

Knowing that there is a business opportunity where you benefit from the effort of an entire team and hearing the first explanations of the laws of leverage and duplication makes any beginner’s mind reel.

At this moment, the anxiety process begins, of literally wanting to talk to everyone, of telling the four corners of the great discovery that has been made. However, it soon turns out that almost everyone has discovered this as well.

So, you try to motivate yourself in one or two meetings and as soon as the first no’s appear, the desire to drop everything also arises. And that’s when the sponsor is asked what is the big secret of success in Multilevel Marketing and the answer is study more and learn more.

While in many cases it is a mere repetition of what the sponsor has also heard from their Upline, it translates as follows: Only those who are able to teach that team how to produce results benefit from the effort of an entire team.

Another point is that in network marketing, the laws of leverage and duplication only work for those who know how to teach others to put them into practice, so “learn!” only then will you be able to teach.

This is the big secret of success in Multilevel Marketing: learn everything about it to the point of falling in love and never leaving it.

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